Alex Mamo

I'm a


I am a Google Developer Expert for Firebase with almost 9 years of experience in working with Firebase products. I'm a software engineer, writer, and public speaker. In short, I have more than 21 years of experience in the software industry spanning a wide variety of technologies, including web, mobile, and Cloud Services.

Firebase Products

The most important Firebase products I'm working with include:

  • Firebase Authentication
  • Cloud Firestore
  • Firebase Realtime Database
  • Cloud Storage for Firebase
  • Cloud Functions for Firebase
  • Firebase Cloud Messaging
  • Firebase Remote Config
  • Firebase Hosting
  • Google Analytics for Firebase
  • Firebase Crashlytics

But I'm also working with many other products from Firebase and Google Cloud Platform. Combining Firebase products in the same project can enable Firebase developers to create really quick, secure, and high-performance applications. This means you can focus more on the business logic of your app rather than on infrastructure.


I have more than 5 years of experience in mentoring. I have provided guidance, advice, and support for organizations or individuals, for almost all Firebase products. I'm a Firebase Specialist.

Firebase Mentor

Being a Firebase mentor it's a rewarding experience. I always wanted to share my knowledge and experience with others and help them reach their goals. Ultimately, learning new technologies and acquiring new skills in applications development, contributes to personal and professional growth.

  • City: Constanta
  • Country Romania
  • Local Hour: GMT+3
  • Meetings: Online
  • Email: alexmamo [at]
  • Occupation: Firebase Mentor 🔥
  • Availability: Anytime
  • Freelance: Available
  • Interest: To grow your business

I recently joined AugmetaAI and CodeMentor, so I'm looking forward to new Firebase challenges.


As a Firebase Developer, in addition to Firebase, I also have experience with Android development using Kotlin or Java as well as various web technologies. Over time I've helped a lot of teams create robust, maintainable, and scalable apps using Firebase and Google Cloud, no matter what the platform was, Android, iOS, web, or Unity.

Firebase 100%
Android 90%
Kotlin 90%
Java 90%
Google Cloud Platform 75%
Web Tehnologies 55%


Firebase is a powerful tool that can help organizations to build and scale their mobile and web apps quickly and efficiently. However, incorrect approaches can lead to scalability issues and unexpected costs. I provide Firebase consulting services that can help you implement Firebase products in a way you can avoid high bills. These are my Firebase consultancy services:

Firebase Optimization

I will architect your application using Firebase products to optimize costs, performance, and scalability.

NoSQL Database Modeling

I will help you create robust cloud-hosted NoSQL real-time database architectures that will meet your queries and will massively scale.

Application Architecture

I will provide you with the optimal practices that can help you build your web or mobile app with Firebase.


I will provide you with written documentation for all the solutions that I will propose.

Code Review

If you have Firebase operations that don't work the way you expect, I can investigate them for you.

Ask me a Firebase question

Ask me any questions regarding Firebase or my area of expertise. I'd love to hear from you.

How it works?

First of all we'll have a 30 minutes call in which you should explain me, what exactly you are looking for. If it's a new project, then please explain me everything you want to build. If it's an existing project, then please provide me access to the Firebase Console or explain to me in detail the issues that you have. Right after the call, I need to receive a written document that includes all your requests, including the queries you want to perform. As soon as I receive it, I'll be able to start working. In the end, you'll get a written document with all my proposals.


I'm ranked on StackOverflow in the top 3 developers of all time in the world on Firebase. I have gained a reputation of 136k and made an impact in the Firebase community of 7.3 million. I've helped millions of developers around the world solve their Firebase problems. I'm also a youtuber with a total of 2k watch hours in the last year.

100+ happy clients in the last years.

35+ client projects built with Firebase.

75+ Youtube videos about Firebase products.

30+ open-source GitHub projects about working techniques in Firebase.


Besides the fact that I'm a Firebase Expert, I'm also a writer, I write Firebase related articles on the official Firebase Developers publication on Medium. Together with other Google Developer Experts, we have created a new publication called Firebase Tips & Tricks. My 45+ articles have been read by over 550k Firebase developers.

How to make a clean architecture Android app, using MVVM, Firestore, and Jetpack Compose?
How to handle Firebase Authentication in clean architecture using Jetpack Compose?
How to implement pagination in Firestore using Jetpack Compose?
How to implement pagination in Realtime Database using Jetpack Compose?
How to authenticate to Firebase using Google One Tap in Jetpack Compose?
How to display locations from Firestore on Google Maps using Jetpack Compose?
How to map an array of objects from Realtime Database to a List of objects?
How to optimize Firebase Realtime Database calls to improve performance?
How To Authenticate to Firebase Using Email and Password in Jetpack Compose?


In recent years, I have attended as a Firebase Expert at several events, either in person or online due to the pandemic situation.

Alex Mamo at Experts Summit Europe

Attending Events

Being present at events such as summits gives you the opportunity to meet Google engineers and fellow GDEs. I could participate in keynotes and workshops where I learned a lot. I was able to learn about new technologies that will shape our future.

  • Firebase Summit 2019: Madrid (in person)
  • Firebase Summit 2020: Online
  • Firebase Summit 2021: Online
  • Google I/O 2022: Online
  • Firebase Summit 2022: New York (in person)
  • Experts Summit Europe 2023: Berlin (in person)
  • Google I/O Connect 2023: Amsterdam (in person)
  • Firebase Summit 2023: Online
  • Google I/O Connect 2024: Berlin (in person)
  • Experts Summit Europe 2024: Coming soon...


As an independent Firebase consultant, I provide consultancy services at an hourly rate. Alternatively, we can discuss the possibility of a fixed fee per project.